Barley and pumpkin stew

A sweet and comforting stew…


1 cup of barley (washed well)

3 cups of water

2 leeks

1/2 small pumpkin

Pinch of salt

A few drops of shoyu

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Wash and cut the leeks into medium pieces.

Peel and cut the pumpkin into medium cubes.

In a pan sauté the leeks with a pinch of salt for 3-4 minutes.

Add squash and saute 1 minute more.

Add barley, water and a dash of shoyu.

Cover the pot.

Bring the liquid to a boil, lower the flame and let it simmer, if possible with diffuser.

Cooking time varies with the type of barley you use. If small or quick cooking it will be ready in 35 minutes.

If you use regular barley, it is important that you put it to soak overnight.

The next morning, you can cook it in the soaking water for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, you can start preparing the vegetables.

After that, put all the ingredients together and let them cook another 30 minutes.

This way the pumpkin will still remain whole but soft. Remember that the average time to cook barley is about 50 minutes.

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Cook it with love… and enjoy it!!