Winter pressed salad

If despite the cold, you fancy a salad … better choose a pressed one..

Use seasonal vegetables, massage them with love and you’ll see how nice it tastes.

Crispy, nutritious and very, very digestive …


1/4 red cabbage

2 carrots

1/4 chinese cabbage or green cabbage

1 purple turnip

1 handful of raisins

1/2 teaspoon of salt

2 table spoons of rice vinegar

2 table spoons of concentrated apple juice

pressed salad


Cut the cabbage into very thin slices. Cut the carrots into thin slices too. You can use a grater. Do the same with the turnip.

Mix all the vegetables in a bowl. Add the salt and begin to knead.

The kneading of the pressed salads is very important. It helps the salt break the vegetables and start releasing water. Knead hard to help salt penetrate well and to allow the vegetable to sweat. If this does not happen, add a little bit more salt.

You will notice that the volume of the vegetables is greatly reduced to almost half.

Now, add the raisins and mix well. They will hydrate with the help of the liquids and will add sweetness to the salad.

Add the dressings and mix again.

Place the salad in a vegetable press. If you do not have one you can place it in a bowl with another one on top. I explain how to do it in the post about the “Benefits of the pressed salad”.

Let it sit for al least 30 minutes and enjoy a digestive, less chilling and more appropriate salad for winter.

Prepare it with love… and enjoy!!

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