Eating healthy is cheap (1)

I’ve heard many times that not everyone can affor do eat healthy; that organic products are more expensive than the ones from conventional farming; and that whole products cost more than the refined ones. However, if we look in detail, eating healthy is cheap!

I will not deny that organically grown vegetables are more expensive, there are many reasons for that. The cost of production is higher since the production is not large scale; the absence of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides make them less competitive than conventional ones, which economically speaking are more productive.

But it is important to see further. If we take vegetables as an example, it is essential to consider the difference in nutrients between organic fruits and vegetables compared to the conventional farming:

More vitamins and minerals

In general, We eat fruit and vegetables because they are good sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Well, organic vegetables have a much higher amount of minerals, vitamins and especially higher concentration of antioxidants, very important to delay aging and to strengthen our immune system.

Vitamina C en naranjas bio

For example:

If we want to consume the recommended daily dose of vitamin C, and we choose orange juice as a source of this vitamin, we would need 200 grams of conventional juice while with only 110 grams of organic juice we  would get the same amount of vitamin.

The content of vitamin C may increase to about 80% in organically grown fruit. In the case of vegetables, studies like the one conducted at Rutgers University in the UK, show that  minerals in organic vegetables can be increased from 10 to 50% depending on the type.

In the case of antioxidants, the figures are similar, between 10 and 50% higher amount in the organic products. Peppers, for example, contain 15% more antioxidants.

So, to meet our daily nutritional requirements we need to consume less amount of organic food than conventional farming, which will save us some money.

Less pesticides and toxic substances

Minerales ven verduras bio

With the consumption of organic food we improve our health. This is because these products are less stressful on the body. The liver and kidneys don’t have to work so much eliminating toxic substances such as pesticides from vegetables or hormones and antibiotics in meat.

They last longer and not end up in the trash

You have probably thrown fruit or vegetables in the trash because they were rotten before you could eat them. The reason is the large amount of water they contain. Forced to grow fast in order to get a higher crop the water content in these fruits and vegetables increases, thus facilitating them to spoil sooner.

Organic vegetables however, have 25% less water, which helps storing them longer and prevents them from going bad quick.

I’ve also noticed that many conventional fruits just don’t get ripe and end up not being consumed or either they go from green to overripe too fast and end up in the trash again.

More flavor, more satisfying

In addition, organic fruits and vegetables are tastier. This is because they are usually collected at its optimum ripeness and thus contain more amount of sugars and flavorings. It is also at the final moment in the natural ripening process when fruits produce more vitamins.

So  thanks to their higher content of nutrients, we feel satisfied sooner, and at a more sensory level their flavour will also satisfy us more and we will consume less amount, resulting in a significant saving.

Many conventionally grown fruit is ripened by artificial methods, reducing their nutritional value and flavor.

More environmentally friendly

Finally, although not having a direct impact on our pocket, we must not forget that organic products are much more respectful with the environment.

They fertilize the soil, promote water retention, promote biodiversity and prevent pollution of farmland.

In addition, consuming biological and nearby grown products will  favor the local economy.