The energy in autumn continues the downward trend begun in late summer. Leaves are falling… colours are changing to a beautiful range of reds and ochers… the growth of the vegetables in the green garden seems to have stopped.
Little by little, we perceive around us, a feeling of withdrawal and concentration, nature is getting ready to slow down.
We also enter that phase of withdrawal. The cold days and the decreased daylight hours predispose us to go inside. We fancy more household activities and we don’t feel so much like being outdoors.
It’s really at the end of October, when we start to realize that fall is really here.
If our diet and lifestyle are not in harmony, we may feel more melancholic and sad. Depressions are common at this time of the year. This season is associated with the health of our lungs and large intestine, linked to the health of our brain! As you know, you can feel mentally stuck when your intestines don’t work well.
And your lungs are also very much related to saddness; breathing deeply will quickly help you feel more optimistic. It is also very common to suffer colds and respiratory discomfort in this period.
So, it is time to prepare for winter smoothly and progressively. We should start preparing more warming dishes such as stews or baked vegetables, which will gently warm our body.
We should include more concentrated foods that will provide the minerals and the energy that we need. Root vegetables are one of the best options now: carrots, parsnips, turnips, daikon, etc. The latter are also slightly spicy, this flavour is very useful to gently stimulate the organs associated with this season.
Harmonizing food:
Grains: Brown rice is ideal for autumn, it balances our lungs and intestines. In moderation and well chewed, it helps to restore bowel function. Try also introducing it into your breakfast; A nice cream of rice is one of the best options to start the day with energy. You can also use other grains such as millet, quinoa and barley, which helps to create openness in the lungs.
Beans: White beans and flat white beans, have less fat than other beans and help clean our body. Notice that white is the colour associated with this station.
Vegetable Protein: Tofu provides easily digestible protein. However, it has a cooling effect, so it is very important to use it well cooked in stews, with rounded root vegetables or seasoned with ginger and soy sauce. Remember that you should always cook tofu no matter what season you are in.
Vegetables: Especially white: turnips, daikon, parsnips, onions, cauliflower ...
Cabbage in all its forms, start to be collected in this period. They are ideal for the health of our intestines thanks to their high fiber content.
Cauliflower and broccoli have a similar shape to the alveoli in our lungs, and are ideal for toning them.
Consumption of green leaves is still important. The plant breathes through the leaves, the consumption of these vegetables helps us to keep our lungs clean.
Sea vegetables: Hiziki is the seaweed for this season. It is the richest sea vegetable in calcium. It contains up to 14 times more calcium than milk and it is also rich in magnesium, so important to help assimilate and fix calcium properly.
Fruits: Enjoy autumn fruits…apples, pears, persimmons and quinces are at their best! … They are all great prepared in compotes or baked in the oven.
Seeds and nuts: we should continue to consume small amounts of sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, that will ensure the supply of essential fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of our brain and nervous system. Chestnuts begin to appear in our local markets, cooked or baked, you can incorporate them into your dishes. They are rich in slow absorption carbohydrates and fiber.
Seasonings: spicy touches are interesting in the kitchen in autumn; they stimulate digestive and intestinal functions and help clear your lungs. Touches of mustard, ginger and turmeric will also add flavour to your dishes. Add small amounts of lightly spicy vegetables like turnips, radishes, watercress, chives or leeks. Cut them finely and sprinkle over your creams and soups to create polarity.
Pickles: Fermented good quality pickles, are excellent to help mobilize fat deposits and mucus. They should be consumed daily with meals. Look for products that have not been prepared with vinegars. The sauerkraut you can find in most organic shops, is made only with salt and can be an ideal source of enzymes and vitamins.