Marinated tempeh with orange cream

Sweet … acid… salty… a waltz of flavours to stimulate your senses …

Enjoy this healthy pleasure!!

Ingredients for the tempeh:

1 jar of tempeh

1 handful of almonds

1 onion thinly sliced

2 spoonfuls of shoyu

2 spoonfuls of concentrated apple juice

4 slices of ginger

Ingredients for the orange cream:

The amount of  ingredents shown will make a nice cream for dinner. You can use part for the tempeh recipe.

3 carrots

1 large onion

1 cauliflower trunk

The zest of 1/2 orange

Tempeh a la naranja (1)


Dry the tempeh well with kitchen paper.

Cut into pieces and fry in plenty of oil until it looks golden brown, about 2 minutes.

Then leave it on absorbent paper .

In a saucepan, sauté the onion with a pinch of salt in a little olive oil.

Let it cook until sweet and soft.

Add the tempeh and the chopped almonds.

Add the shoyu, the concentrated apple juice and the slices of ginger.

Cover and cook over low heat until liquids evaporate.

For the sauce:

Cook the onion with a pinch of salt in a little olive oil until golden brown.

Add the cauliflower and carrots chopped finely.

Sauté a few minutes and add water to cover.

Bring to boil. Cover and let it cook until the vegetables are tender.

Remove from the heat and add the orange zest.

Mash the ingredients with the blender.

If you are going to enjoy the sauce as a cream, serve with chopped coriander.

For the tempeh, place a bit of the sauce on the base of a dish and serve the tempeh on top with the onions and almonds.

Cook it with love…. and enjoy!