Sour flavour to help concentration

If you wander easily, and its hard for you to perform the same task over a long period of time…

If you tend to jump from one activity to another without finishing any…

If you see that your concentration capacity is getting smaller, you are sure to find the following food guidelines practical.

Sour flavour is ideal for people with a somehow changing personality and people who tend to be dispersed and forgetful. Introducing this flavour in their diet can help. Let’s see why:

Sour flavour effects:

  • The sour taste is known to increase your ability to perceive. So it will be of great help to organize dispersed mental patterns.
  • It improves your ability to concentrate and your intellect, so it will help you if you are preparing for an exam or at studying time.
  • It helps to increase the ingenuity, so it is ideal if you are going to do some creative work, if you need inspiration or you are immersed in a brainstorm.
  • One of its effects at physical level is that it activates the blood circulation, so your brain will get better irrigation, essential to avoid distractions.


How to include it in your diet:


Finish your breakfast with a sencha or kukicha tea with a few drops of lemon. Lemon is one of the best sour tasting foods you can use. Despite its taste, its effect on our body is highly alkalizing.


In the middle of the morning, if you like having fresh fruit, choose one with sour taste.

In winter, choose Granny Smith apples, in spring, enjoy a snack based on organic strawberries, and when the heat arrives, you will have a great variety of wild fruits which are also very rich in antioxidants: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries…

All of them make a really healthy snack, and recent research has shown the ability of blueberries to improve students’ intellectual abilities.

Lunch time:

The best way to incorporate this flavour into your meals is to use it as a dressing.

When choosing the products you use, always select good quality ones.

Conventional vinegars, for example, are highly acidic. So you’d better choose vinegars from rice or umeboshi. The latter also adds a nice salty flavour, so you can do without the salt. You can use the umeboshi vinegar or the plum, which you can mash with the other ingredients.

Lemon juice is an essential ingredient if you want to add a soury touch to your seasoning.

And don’t forget to add some pickles in your plate. Fermented foods are highly recommended, not only because of their sour taste, but also because of their high enzymatic content that help make digestion easier. At intestinal level they act improving the quality of our flora, and in addition, they have a higher amount of nutrients than when we consume the same food without fermenting.

¡Give it a try… and let us know how you feel!