A simple and quick recipe that will surely please everyone.
Ideal and practical for this Christmas.
You can have it prepared in advance and serve it with home made sesame bars.
1 tofu block (about 250 gr.)
4 spoonfuls of toasted sesame seeds or gomasio
6 spoonfuls of rice vinegar
2 spoonfuls of shoyu
2 spoonfuls of concentrated apple to taste
1 dash of sesame oil (optional)
Boil the tofu in water for 8-10 minutes.
If you are not using gomashio you will need to roast the seeds.
Place them in a pan without oil.
Be careful to remove the seeds frequently to prevent burning.
When they are ready. Leave them on a plate to cool.
Blend the tofu and the sesame seeds together with the other ingredients.
Taste and and correct flavours to your liking.
You can serve the spread decorated with finely chopped dried tomatoes, oregano or anyother herb that you like.
Cook it with love…. and enjoy it!!