This homemade sesame bars are great to accompany spreads and creams.
You can also have them as a snack.
And if you don’t have a sweet tooth, you can even enjoy them as cookies with your tea!!
1 ½ cups of semi-polished brown wheat flour
¼ cup of water
¼ cup sesame oil
White and black sesame seeds
Poppy seeds (optional)
A pinch of salt.
Warm up the oven to 200 degrees.
Make the dough by mixing and kneading the ingredients well.
Mix half of the dough with black sesame seeds and half with white sesame. You can also use gomasio, if you have it already prepared.
You can also use poppy seeds, and further enrich your sticks. Poppy seeds are very rich in calcium.
You can really add any seed you want. What is important is to add them directly to the dough. That way, you will prevent them from burning in the oven.
The seeds are very interesting as sources of essential fatty acids, but they burn easily. Integrated into the dough you will prevent excess browning while baking.
Stretch the dough with a rolling pin.
Cut it into uniform shapes and place the sticks in a oiled baking tray.
Bake for about 10 minutes checking ocassionally to prevent burning.
Cook them with love…. and enjoy them!!